Flower delivery Metz

Main provisions

This Public Contract (offer) is an offer of the Company to conclude a public contract with any interested person on the terms provided below. This Contract (hereinafter – the Agreement) is a public offer in accordance with the applicable law, i.e. it contains all the essential terms of the Contract, which is showing the will of the person making the offer to conclude the Agreement on these terms, with any person who makes the acceptance of the offer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

        OnlineFlora OÜ, hereinafter referred to as the Company, on the one hand, and any person who has accepted the terms of this offer, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, on the other hand, hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties, and separately the Party, have agreed to conclude this agreement on the following terms.

The electronic Agreement has the same legal effect as a written contract signed by the Parties.

The acceptance shall be deemed complete and unconditional only if the Customer has agreed to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and has placed an order.


Main provisions

1.                   The moment of the conclusion of this Agreement is the moment when the Client mark the confirmation on the field "Please note that you have read and agree that your order will be carried out in accordance with the terms of service of the company" in the order form. The actual consumption of the Company's services by the Client is also an evidence of the Client's acceptance of the terms of this public Agreement.

2.       Order collection.

2.1. Orders are accepted through the website Royalflora.net or any other means of communication available on the website. All information (prices, assortment, etc.) is current and is constantly maintained.

2.2. The Order is considered to be completed correctly and in full if the Customer has provided full information about the Recipient of the order and the Customer's contact information is correct (i.e. all the mandatory fields are filled in when the order is placed).

2.3. A correctly and fully executed Customer's order is accepted for processing, execution and delivery only upon the receipt of the 100% of the prepayment of the cost of the order from the Customer.

2.3.1. If 3 hours before the moment of the order delivery, the full advance payment was not made for this order, this order is subject to cancellation or transfer to another time by agreement with the Customer. If in this eventuality, the Company could not contact the Customer and the Company is not at fault (equal to  inaction), the order has to be canceled without any arrangements with the Customer. If only a partial payment is received, the execution of the order is suspended until the full payment for the order will be received.

2.3.2. If the Customer's situation is such that he cannot or for some reason does not have time to make an advance payment, the possibility and procedure of execution of the order is negotiated with the manager on an individual basis.

2.4. The availability of the recipient's contact phone number is a prerequisite for acceptance, processing and execution of the order. An employee of the Company will contact him only in case of emergency (unless otherwise specified by the Customer in the order form).

2.5. Fresh flowers must be part of the order. Orders that do not contain floral products (cut flowers and potted flowers) are not accepted, and if mistakenly accepted are subject to cancellation (with a refund if the order has been paid). In some cases, the execution of orders that do not contain floral products is possible only by prior agreement with the manager.

2.6. A order that is fully completed and accepted for execution, has the "paid" status.

3.       Order processing.

3.1. A certain status is assigned to each order, which indicates at what stage of processing or execution the order is at the moment.

3.2. Order statuses change at operational time. For example, if the time of delivery of the order is 21:00, on 21.10.2010, the status of the Customer’s order will be updated on 22.10.2010 from 9:00. Due to the heavy load, the statuses of orders for February 14 and March 8, are changed within 48 hours from the moment of the established date of execution.

3.3. The direct order consolidation is performed a few hours before the delivery time specified by the Customer, if the order has been fully processed, paid for and accepted for execution (see clause 2.6.).

3.4. The Client can change any informative part of the order before the moment of preparation of the order (see clause 3.3) in agreement with the Company. Changes in the order, are considered agreed, after a written confirmation from the Company.

3.5. The execution of the order can be suspended if the Customer specified incomplete, incorrect or false information about the Recipient. The order will be move to execution, after a reconsideration of these data in the operational time of the company.

4.       Execution/delivery of orders.

4.1. Delivery of flowers and gifts is carried out throughout the countries listed on the website.

4.2. Flower delivery is made to any place specified by the Customer: at home, in a restaurant, cafe, hospital, etc.

4.3. Flowers are delivered in time intervals (see p.4.4) from 7:00 to 22:00, daily.

4.4. Orders are delivered in time intervals. The minimum duration of the interval is 1 hour. An order for flower delivery can be fulfilled not earlier than in 3 hours from the moment of the order completion. Orders "for today" are accepted only at operational time.

4.5. In case the Recipient is absent at the moment of courier's arrival (at the time specified by the Customer or Recipient), the courier will leave the order to his roommates or neighbors (friends, acquaintances living nearby, etc.) in order to deliver it to the Recipient afterwards.

4.6. If after the courier's arrival it turns out that the address data provided by the Customer is wrong (mistake in the number of house or apartment, street, if the Recipient did not live or does not live anymore at the provided address, the order is considered to be executed correctly and in full. The delivery is still possible for an extra charge in the same city if the Customer gives the new address for the order. In case the Customer refuses the delivery to a new address, the payment for the order is not refunded.

4.7 The company reserves the right to contact the recipient in case of emergency.

5.                   If the order was not executed in whole or in part due to the fault of the Company, the Customer has the right to demand for a compensation, or it can be executed as soon as possible by agreement with the Customer. The amount of compensation cannot exceed the cost of the order.

6.                   The Company declines any responsibility for possible direct or indirect harm/damage (including moral) that may be caused as a result of the Customer's order (Recipient's allergy to flowers or food (if it is in the order), Customer's quarrel with Recipient over the order or its specifics, etc.).

7.                   The Company bears no responsibility to the Client (payer) if the payment service, through which the Client pays for the order, violates the terms of the contract or establishes additional fees.

8.                   The agreement between the Customer and the Company is valid from the moment of its conclusion until the moment of the service execution. The moment of service execution is the moment of delivery of the goods ordered by the Customer to the Recipient.

9.                   The Company is guided in its work by the Return Policy, the Privacy Policy, and the Quality Policy, which are integral parts of this Agreement.

10.               The Company reserves the right to change any information posted on the website without any prior notice, which will take effect as soon as it is published on the appropriate page of the website.

11.               The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Customer and is valid throughout the contractual relations between the Parties.

12.               The offer of the Agreement is current from the moment of its publication on the pages of the website and is valid for an unlimited amount of time.

13.               The parties are obliged to notify each other within two days if their details change. The company has the right to carry out the specified notification by publishing the relevant information on the pages of the website.

14.               Under this Agreement, the Parties have agreed that the correspondence between the Parties, by means of official electronic mail addresses, is the official correspondence between the Parties, which is the basis for the acquisition and termination of certain rights and obligations under the Agreement.

Published by the Company




OnlineFlora OÜ

Aadress on Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tuukri tn 19-315, 10120

Email: royalflora.net@gmail.com

Registration number



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